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Pais fingem estar mortos depois de os filhos os terem apanhado a fazer sexo

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– DADDY WAS WRESTLING MUMMY – Busted mid thrust. It's all happened to us. Its 9.30pm on a Wednesday what could possibly go wrong?. Little bit of nookie never hurt anyone right? I thought my heart couldn't race any faster during such an intimate moment but now I'm on the verge of cardic arrest. No amount of chairs or even a chested draw was gonna stop it. It was like a stampede of elephants except there was no warning..I mean Why would there be?!,They're meant be asleep!!.So here I am, Naked ,not my best angle, Legs sky high!.Lucky I had Karl's pastey white ass blocking my 5'oclock shadow because it could of been so much worse.It was like slow motion.The creek of the door, the hall light shining on our faces as if we were criminals of the night. My mum instinct kicked in and I did what anyone else would do in a situation like that. I played dead. I played bloody dead!! , I Even threw a little bit of the tongue out the side of my mouth. YEP I actually did that. Lost my dignity and any sense I had too during my most valuable time. Neat .So here i am dead, lifeless , going floppy alot quicker than Karl unfortunately. Then, Reaching around for a blanket Karl flew over me like batman with his Cape, hiding any evidence of the act. I was hoping Karl was performing a magic trick to be honest , one that would see the kids remove the blanket and I had disappeared!.Tada!.My thoughts were racing, So were we quick enough? What did they see?. Oh my God they're going to be in therapy for life!!. My kids are young but not as innocent as I would like. Lily is 7 and already gives the impression she knows alot!. I could see us being her highlight of school holidays , her "tell" at show and tell on the first day back.From beyond the doona , was a little voice.What are you doing?. That was a GREAT sign, reassuring words to me."We are play fighting , I'm giving mummy a massage"…. DUMB DUMB DUMB answer. REALLY KARL REALLY!,Well so I thought! Karl then tells them to get back to bed and our act of love seem to go unnoticed without any questions.That was until I heard Lily walking off with Logan up the hallway , she * giggles * mum and dad were doing sex. MORE IN COMMENTS

A post shared by Jessica Hood (@houseofhoods_) on

"Fingi estar morta. Fingi mesmo estar morta. Até meti a língua um bocadinho para fora", disse.

Jessica explicou que perdeu a sua dignidade e disse que preferiu fingir estar morta: "Os meus pensamentos estavam muito acelerados. Será que fomos rápidos o suficiente a fingir? O que viram eles? Oh Meu Deus, eles vão precisar de terapia para a vida toda!".

A verdade é que eles perguntaram mesmo a Karl o que estavam eles a fazer, ao qual ele respondeu: "Estávamos a brincar um com o outro e acabei a fazer uma massagem à mãe".

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The secret life of a gamers wife _________________________________ I always knew Karl was a gamer geek. It never really bothered me to be honest, well actually when we first got together the gaming was the last thing on his mind and I barely saw him on it, But over time it, the more kids we had, it became a frequent hobby in our household. I love that he has an interest, I think it's wonderful for him to wind down from work but for the wife of a gamer it can be lonely . When you've been home with the kids all day, you look forward to your husband walking in the door. Finally! Some adult interaction!, but then you see him reaching down to turn the computer on and invision yourself running in slowmo screaming " Noooooo". Next minute the headphones are on and you're left listening to the kids screaming over the last potato chip in the packet once again. Maybe it isn't the gaming that bothers me so much, maybe it's the fact that the more I think about it the more I realise I don't have a hobby of my own. Maybe I envy he's timeout and long for hours alone in my own little world too. Things have improved recently though, it had became a habit that was every night after work and all day weekends. We were never talking, I became feeling so lonely, bored and to be honest it was like he was avoiding his family. It's so easy for things like this to occur. One minute your a single person free as a bird, next your an adult a husband / wife, a parent, the breadwinner and you soon realise you do absolutely jack shit for yourself anymore . You look for anything that can take you away from the charade, the chaos that is life. A few months back I finally confronted the issue head on and he could see where I was coming from. That's the thing about Karl, he may get pissed off at first but pretty soon after he came to quickly put himself in my shoes. We now divide our family time and computer time much better, And although you don't want to be the nagging wife over something that sounds silly , you also need to address and prioritize your needs too, especially when it effects your mental health. Communication is key. So is compromise. BLOG CONTINUES IN COMMENTS

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TÁ FEIO Austrália Damn Fingir Estar Mortos Jessica Hood País Pais Apanhados Sexo Sexo Pais Tá Feio Wow

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